Sunday, July 31, 2005
Just joined another summer baseball team after winning are last league. We took 1st and got some cool t-shirts. I have to play a doubleheader tomorrow in this crazy heat. I hope are team is ready and we win both of them. We play the team that beat us the first game and then a team we have not played yet the second game. So wish us luck and I will give results out tomorrow. Not much to say tonight, See you all later.
Friday, July 29, 2005
5 Happy Things
I am gonna list five happy things I am thinking of today. Trying new things to keep my mind off of stress.
1. I have a good job and the bills are getting paid
2. I love my family(son and the love of my life)
3. Going on a canoe trip soon
4. Going to see Def Lepord August 3rd
5. My baby just started a new job and loves it
That wasn't so bad. Got this idea to use for stress off of another blogs comments. It says to list 5 things a day that make you happy. So I am going to try it and see if it works. Thats all for now. Enjoy your day everyone and thanks for stopping by.
1. I have a good job and the bills are getting paid
2. I love my family(son and the love of my life)
3. Going on a canoe trip soon
4. Going to see Def Lepord August 3rd
5. My baby just started a new job and loves it
That wasn't so bad. Got this idea to use for stress off of another blogs comments. It says to list 5 things a day that make you happy. So I am going to try it and see if it works. Thats all for now. Enjoy your day everyone and thanks for stopping by.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
It said "If you see this then you have to do this" from a stranger friends blog
So I go to a blog, and I'm reading it, and I get to this part and it says if you see this you have to do this. So I guess I am going to do it. So if you see this on my blog you have to do it. Everyone with me. I know kinda confusing huh? So here goes nothing. X means you have done it.
Wow, now that took forever. So now its everyone elses turn, so get on it. I'm excited to see the results. 'Till next time. Have a good night and take care.
- (x) Smoked a joint
- () Been in a wet t-shirt contest
- (x) Crashed a car
- () stolen a car
- (x) Been in love (head over heels)
- () Had a threesome
- (x) Been dumped
- (x) Shoplifted
- (x) Been fired- only because I quit
- () Been in a fist fight
- (x) Snuck out of the house
- (x) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
- (x) Been arrested
- () Made out with a stranger
- () Gone on a blind date
- (x) Lied to a friend
- () Had a crush on a teacher
- () Been to Europe
- (x) Skipped school
- () Seen someone die
- () Been to Canada
- () Been to Mexico
- (x) Been on a plane
- () Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
- () Thrown up in a bar ( does the bar toilet count? Then yeah, once)
- () Purposely set a part of yourself on fire
- () Eaten Sushi
- () Been snowboarding ( No, but it looks like fun)
- () Met someone from the internet in person
- (x) Been moshing at a concert ( not in the mosh pit, but with a group of people standing around at the Iron Maiden concert)
- (x) Been in an abusive relationship (not so much physically, but mentally)
- (x) Taken painkillers
- (x) Love someone or miss someone right now
- (x) Laid and watched cloud shapes go by
- (x) Made a snow angel
- () Had a tea party
- () Flown a kite
- () Built a sand castle
- (x) Gone puddle jumping
- (x) Played dress up
- (x) Jumped into a pile of leaves
- (x) Gone sledding
- (x) Cheated while playing a game
- (x) Been lonely
- (x) Fallen asleep at work/school
- (x) Used a fake ID (it was my sisters because I forgot mine at the time)
- () Watched the sunset
- () Felt an earthquake
- () Touched a snake (YUK)
- (x) Slept beneath the stars
- (x) Been tickled
- (x) Been robbed
- (x) Been misunderstood (all the time)
- () Pet a reindeer/goat
- (x) Won a contest
- (x) Run a red light
- (x) Been suspended from school
- (x) Been in a car accident
- () Had braces
- (x) Felt like an outcast
- (x) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night (when I was pregnant)
- (x) Had deja vu
- () Danced in the moonlight (sounds so romantic, soon I hope I will have the chance to experience that)
- (x) Hated the way you look
- (x) Witnessed a crime
- () Pole danced
- () Been obsessed with post-it notes
- (x) Walked barefoot through the mud
- (x) Been lost
- (x) Been to the opposite side of the world (lived in Germany when I was 2)
- (x) Swam in the ocean
- (x) Felt like dying
- (x) Cried yourself to sleep
- (x) Played cops and robbers
- (x) Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
- () Sung karaoke
- (x) Paid for a meal with only coins
- (x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't (haven't we all)
- (x) Made prank phone calls when you were younger
- (x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
- (x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
- () Danced naked in the rain
- (x) Written a letter to Santa Claus
- (x) Been kissed under the mistletoe (first time last christmas)
- (x) Watched the sun rise with someone you care about
- (x) Blown bubbles
- () Had a bonfire on the beach
- () Crashed a party
- (x) Gone rollerblading
- (x) Had a wish come true (met the love of my life and we are still together)
- () Worn pearls
- () Jumped off a bridge
- () Screamed the word penis in public
- () Ate dog/cat food
- () Told a complete stranger you loved them
- (x) Kissed a mirror
- (x) Sang in the shower
- (x) Owned a little black dress
- () Had a dream that you married someone
- (x) Glued your hand to something
- () Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole
- (x) Kissed a fish (I have three betta fish and I kiss them through their tanks all the time)
- (x) Worn the opposite sex's clothes
- () Been a cheerleader
- (x) Sat on a roof top
- (x) Screamed at the top of your lungs
- (x) Done a one-handed cartwheel
- () Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours (no, but pretty close)
- (x) Stayed up all night
- () Didn't take a shower for a week
- () Picked and ate an apple right off the tree
- (x) Climbed a tree
- () Had a tree house
- (x) Are (NOT) scared to watch scary movies
- (x) Believe in ghosts
- () Have more than 30 pairs of shoes
- () Worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say
- () Gone streaking
- (x) Played chicken
- () Been skinny dipping
- (x) Been pushed into a pool/lake with all your clothes on
- (x) Been told your beautiful by a complete stranger
- (x) Broken a bone (my left pinky, from bowling)
- (x) Been easily amused
- () Caught a fish then ate it
- (x) Caught a butterfly
- (x) Laughed so hard you cried
- (x) Cried so hard you laughed
- () Mooned/flashed someone
- (x) Had someone moon/flash you
- (x) Cheated on a test
- (x) Forgotten someone's name (that bugs me when I do that)
- (x) Slept naked
- (x) French braided someone's hair
- () Grown a beard
Wow, now that took forever. So now its everyone elses turn, so get on it. I'm excited to see the results. 'Till next time. Have a good night and take care.
Monday, July 25, 2005

My dream is to be able to swim with the dolphins one day. I can't wait. Flying through the water while holding on to a dolphin. Man, that would be so cool.
So while I am on the subject of my dream, I would like to know everyone elses dream. So post me your dreams and we can all share what would love to do in our lives.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
List from A-Z on me
It would be cool if everybody else would do one on themselves. So lets do it. What do you say? Here goes mine:
- A- affectionate
- B- for brat(when I want to be)
- C- caring person
- D- dare devil(love to take dares)
- E- everyones friend
- F- funny and fragile
- G- good listener
- H- heart-felt
- I- innocent(he-he-he)
- J- join in the fun
- K- kinky
- L- lover
- M- mommy
- N- night owl
- O- open-minded
- P-passion and poker (love to play)
- Q- quiet
- R- rainbow soul
- S- stressed out, spontanious and stubborn
- T- tickled taurus
- U- universal
- V- viscious
- W- work-aholic waitress
- X- x marks the spot(me, lol)
- Y- young at heart
- Z- zeal
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Simple Question
What is the most important thing to you in your life?
Mine is love, because without that then what do you have?
A Lonesome Heart
Mine is love, because without that then what do you have?
A Lonesome Heart
Friday, July 15, 2005
Well I have been tagged by Green. And after I'm finished I get to tag three new people. So here goes nothing.
three names I go by:
three screen names:
well, how about
three names I go by:
- Pokerdolphin
- Sam
- mukluk
three screen names:
- ace of spades
- dolphinscry
- BlueAce9
- my eyes
- being spontanious
- caring and loving(lover not a fighter)
- being stubborn
- not being able to share my feelings
- not to much of a talker
- spiders(any type of bug really)
- being alone
- family
- family
- money
- love
- eyes
- personality
- dimples
- make a million(hit a jackpot)
- swim with dolphins
- get a tattoo
- being a blackjack dealer
- waitressing/bartender
- tax preparer
- hawaii
- jamaica
- colorado
- Drake
- Brianna
- meleena
- swim with the dolphins
- jump from an airplane
- be at the final table of the WPT(world poker tour)
well, how about
- andrew
- bypolar/grey
- the big question blogger
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Stress the number one cause of heart attacks and break-ups, in my opinion I mean we deal with stress everyday. The moment you get up out of bed there it is knocking on your door. Hello, what stress would you like today? You might think thats funny at first, but we all deal with it on a daily basis. At work, at home, with money, relationships, fun even has a good deal of stress in it. I mean we can not escape stress. You can try, but you will never suceed. And if you do, I would love to meet you and put you in the Guiness book of world records, for the person with no stress. I mean getting out of bed in the morning is a chore on its own, because you know what the day is going to bring, Stress. Day by day, the older you get the more that comes your way. If you know how I feel, comment on it. And let me know how you deal with it on a day to day basis or even long term. You could say, I need some tips.