Saturday, July 02, 2005


Stress the number one cause of heart attacks and break-ups, in my opinion I mean we deal with stress everyday. The moment you get up out of bed there it is knocking on your door. Hello, what stress would you like today? You might think thats funny at first, but we all deal with it on a daily basis. At work, at home, with money, relationships, fun even has a good deal of stress in it. I mean we can not escape stress. You can try, but you will never suceed. And if you do, I would love to meet you and put you in the Guiness book of world records, for the person with no stress. I mean getting out of bed in the morning is a chore on its own, because you know what the day is going to bring, Stress. Day by day, the older you get the more that comes your way. If you know how I feel, comment on it. And let me know how you deal with it on a day to day basis or even long term. You could say, I need some tips.


Blogger Chelynne said...

I found this in "Body & Soul Magazine. I think it is interesting and it might help with stress.

It is called "Chromotherapy"

The ancient Egyptians believe that visualizing a certain color could help you with your problems along with slow breathing.

You have to visualize the color in the air balancing for 5-10 minutes while you inhale and exhale slowly.

Below are the colors and how the visualizations help.

Red - increase energy, power and your love life

Orange - Get attention, cure procrastination

Yellow - increase optimist and joy, let go of material possessions

Green - Treat depression, eating disorders, respiratory problems, infertility

Turquoise - Improve immunity, gain more power

Blue - relax, treat insomnia, high blood pressure, gain confidence

Purple - boost self-worth, gain wisdom

Magenta - let go of negative feelings

12:17 PM  

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