Just For Fun
I'm a girl
I'm a boy
I like rain - and thunder
I am a good dancer
I wear tank tops
I like thongs
I watch cartoons - sometimes
I've watched Nick Jr. well into my teens
I spend too much time online
I have a collection of something
I have too many clothes
I can't control myself
I have been in love---and happily married
I prefer construction paper over regular printer paper
I have a coloring book
I've been in a different country other than my own
I pretend to know things I don't
I am often sick
I complain too much
My life isn't as bad as I like to say it is
Someone likes me
I wish I weren't so stupid
I think I need to talk to someone about my problems
I don't treat my friends as well as I should
I have skipped school before
I can stand on my toes
I can do the full macarena
Tongue-twisters are easy to say
I listen to 80s music
I have too many secrets to count
I try to be as honest with people as much as possible
I'd be better off without my parent(s)
I have more than one life-changing regret
I want to live to be over 100
I like to party hard
I listen to heavy metal
I sometimes stereotype people even though I hate labels
I'm artsy and 100% original
My nose is stuffy right now
I wish the weather would be warmer
I've frolicked on a beach - Florida baby
I once updated my journal more than 5 times in a day
I have more than one messaging programI think
South Park is the best show ever
I love Johnny Depp
If I see a penny, I always pick it up
I watch Disney movies regularly
Peter Pan has the right idea
I have a special cup that nobody can use but me - My Taz cup my girl got me
I'm territorial
Even if I believe in non-violence, I will fight for what I believe in
I have a new computer
My boy/girlfriend doesn't treat me as well as they should
I try to be a good person to everyone
I am rude
I snore and/or sleep talk
I over-eat when I am too stressed
I take a lot of pics of myself then delete them because I think I'm ugly
I have a bad self-image
I think I'm fat
I'm waiting for someone to get online right now
I want to paint my room a different color
I have an interest in designing things
I'm a follower, not a leader
I am in love right now
I underestimate what my parents probably know about me
I take people for granted - my girl
I listen to music all the time
I'm a huge nerd
I know the real definition to the word 'dork'
I'm not as charitable as I could & should be
I change or update my profile(s) regularly
I am a member to 5+ web-sites
I like to play neopets daily
I know someone that needs help, but I don't try to help them
I've dipped my head under water to hold my breath see what 'drowning' feels like
I have a step-family
I've thought about dying before
I didn't have many friends when I was growing up
I comment on my friends' journals
I watch the news
I'm into politics
I do my homework regularly
I have a cell-phone
I'm not shy
I have three blankets on my bed that are all different colors
I think my house/apartment smells weird
I am two-faced around certain people
I bite my nails---when nervous
I watch Lord of the Rings at least once a week
I think some of my friends are total nerds
I've attended a Cosplay
I have a penpal
I think stickers are the coolest
I like to correspond with people through actual letters & packages
I think hugs are the greatest show of affection - and kisses
I sometimes don't wash my hands after I use the potty
I have tried my hand at acting
I made a positive difference in someone else's life
I'm generous
My heart has been broken
I have been in a long term relationship
My friends barely know how I feel
I have a car - Ford Escort and a Jeep Cherokee
I've run up a phone bill - talking to my girl when we were first getting to know each other
I watch the Surreal Life
I have an optimouse
My internet is too slow for my needs
I love to eat chocolate
My biggest fear is being alone
I have a best friend who knows me 100%
I like the band Coldplay
I have/used to have braces
I find everyone attractive in their own way
I have been in a long distance relationship
I look for the good in people
I'm usually fun to be around
I cry at least once a week
I have stuffed animals - beanie babies
I don't have cable
I have a pessimistic outlook on life
I clean my ears
I like to work out - when I get the chance
I don't like to complain
I'm a boy
I like rain - and thunder
I am a good dancer
I wear tank tops
I like thongs
I watch cartoons - sometimes
I've watched Nick Jr. well into my teens
I spend too much time online
I have a collection of something
I have too many clothes
I can't control myself
I have been in love---and happily married
I prefer construction paper over regular printer paper
I have a coloring book
I've been in a different country other than my own
I pretend to know things I don't
I am often sick
I complain too much
My life isn't as bad as I like to say it is
Someone likes me
I wish I weren't so stupid
I think I need to talk to someone about my problems
I don't treat my friends as well as I should
I have skipped school before
I can stand on my toes
I can do the full macarena
Tongue-twisters are easy to say
I listen to 80s music
I have too many secrets to count
I try to be as honest with people as much as possible
I'd be better off without my parent(s)
I have more than one life-changing regret
I want to live to be over 100
I like to party hard
I listen to heavy metal
I sometimes stereotype people even though I hate labels
I'm artsy and 100% original
My nose is stuffy right now
I wish the weather would be warmer
I've frolicked on a beach - Florida baby
I once updated my journal more than 5 times in a day
I have more than one messaging programI think
South Park is the best show ever
I love Johnny Depp
If I see a penny, I always pick it up
I watch Disney movies regularly
Peter Pan has the right idea
I have a special cup that nobody can use but me - My Taz cup my girl got me
I'm territorial
Even if I believe in non-violence, I will fight for what I believe in
I have a new computer
My boy/girlfriend doesn't treat me as well as they should
I try to be a good person to everyone
I am rude
I snore and/or sleep talk
I over-eat when I am too stressed
I take a lot of pics of myself then delete them because I think I'm ugly
I have a bad self-image
I think I'm fat
I'm waiting for someone to get online right now
I want to paint my room a different color
I have an interest in designing things
I'm a follower, not a leader
I am in love right now
I underestimate what my parents probably know about me
I take people for granted - my girl
I listen to music all the time
I'm a huge nerd
I know the real definition to the word 'dork'
I'm not as charitable as I could & should be
I change or update my profile(s) regularly
I am a member to 5+ web-sites
I like to play neopets daily
I know someone that needs help, but I don't try to help them
I've dipped my head under water to hold my breath see what 'drowning' feels like
I have a step-family
I've thought about dying before
I didn't have many friends when I was growing up
I comment on my friends' journals
I watch the news
I'm into politics
I do my homework regularly
I have a cell-phone
I'm not shy
I have three blankets on my bed that are all different colors
I think my house/apartment smells weird
I am two-faced around certain people
I bite my nails---when nervous
I watch Lord of the Rings at least once a week
I think some of my friends are total nerds
I've attended a Cosplay
I have a penpal
I think stickers are the coolest
I like to correspond with people through actual letters & packages
I think hugs are the greatest show of affection - and kisses
I sometimes don't wash my hands after I use the potty
I have tried my hand at acting
I made a positive difference in someone else's life
I'm generous
My heart has been broken
I have been in a long term relationship
My friends barely know how I feel
I have a car - Ford Escort and a Jeep Cherokee
I've run up a phone bill - talking to my girl when we were first getting to know each other
I watch the Surreal Life
I have an optimouse
My internet is too slow for my needs
I love to eat chocolate
My biggest fear is being alone
I have a best friend who knows me 100%
I like the band Coldplay
I have/used to have braces
I find everyone attractive in their own way
I have been in a long distance relationship
I look for the good in people
I'm usually fun to be around
I cry at least once a week
I have stuffed animals - beanie babies
I don't have cable
I have a pessimistic outlook on life
I clean my ears
I like to work out - when I get the chance
I don't like to complain
Love it!
Can I nick it AGAIN chick ;-)
Ok, I bit my nails, love coldplay, fear being alone, held my breath under water ... wanted to die recently (went as far as trying to do it) ....
Talking is good, get it out there chick :-)
Kisses XxXxXxXxXxXxXxX
Anytime girl :>)
Like to know what other peoples answers are to all of these.
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