All Around Bad Day
My day started off good with a nap close to my baby. But thats about it on good. We leave to go pick up our son from school and we play a game of sudoku and she BEATS me. LOL. Then we go to Q-trip to air up our tires. Pump doesn't work. So then we go to Sonic and eat, thats ok. Then we come home so that I can get ready for work. I took out the trash, vacuumed the floor, fed the cats and gave them water, scooped the litter box, and gave them fresh litter. And no sooner did I vacuum and clean up around the liter box, they both jumped in and started to play in the fresh litter. So I go to get them out and they kicked litter everywhere. So I had to vacuum agian. Then I went to go finish getting ready for work and they did it again but even worse. Uuugghhh. Just left it because I had to leave. My night wasn't all that great at work either. Freinds of ours (so I thought) showed up to eat and neither one of them said Hi to me. That really sucked because I dont know why they are not talking with us. I dont know what we did to them or what we might have said or what. But it really sucks because I really did enjoy their company and friendship. Anyways after they left I really got in the weeds at work and my baby calls me and I tried to stay calm on the phone but that didnt happen. I pretty much jumped down her throat and made her mad because all she was calling me for was to talk to me and ask me a question. I'm sorry baby. Everything was just happening all at once and I had this table that everytime I take something to them they wanted something else. I was getting irritated and she just called at the wrong time. Then I come home and find out our son has chocolate pudding all over his floor and he was still awake. So I had him clean it up and then put him to bed. Thank goch this day is over with. Ready for a new one.
I'm forever having to clean up kitty litter, too. We can only keep the cover on one box. If I put it on the second one, then the boy cat refuses to use the box, he pees on top of it!
Hope that today is a better day for you!
LMAO that is funny.
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